dimanche 17 mars 2013

Charles on Jonathan Ross show : the video


Charles at Los Angeles airport

                              Saturday 16 March, Charles arriving at the airport...others members of Games of thrones were Charles Dance, Liam Cunningham, Issac Hempstead Wright, Gwendoline Christie, Maisie Williams,Sophie Turner.....there is a video too

vendredi 15 mars 2013

Charles on ITV Saturday 16 on Ross show

                                                                   others members cast of Got
the video here : http://aboutactorcharlesdance.blogspot.fr/2013/03/charles-on-jonathan-ross-video.html

update : Sunday 17 March : gifs by xjulessx

jeudi 14 mars 2013

About Miss E.Boorman

received mails asking about Miss Boorman....so investigation...there are many pics of her pregnancy by paparazzi not used by papers and magazines...Splashnews have many...but you need  to login
We know that she lives in Cheltenham and she's 40.....there's a great probability that she is this Boorman

Osborne Lodge Limited
Open : 11 Dec 2012 --- Present(3 months, 3 days)
Management of Real Estate on a fee or contract basis
About Eleanor Boorman : E leanor Boorman is currently 40 years old and first became a director 1 year ago at the age of 39. Her most recent non-secretarial directorship is Osborne Lodge(Cheltenham) Limited

from : https://www.duedil.com/director/917445332/eleanor-boorm

from :http://company-director-check.co.uk/director/917445332

Ms E. Boorman : appointed 11 Dec 2012
Mr B.J. Francis : appointed 01 Jun 2003
Mr S. Moore : appointed 26 Oct 2009
Mr S. Smith : appointed 26 Oct 2009
Dr C.J. Utting : appointed 01 Nov 2006

What sort of women am I attracted to? Beautiful ones! Of course I am being facetious. I like independence, I like strong women, women who survive and thrive in what is still a male-dominated world in most professions. I think that description fits my ex-wife and my former fiancée, Eleanor [Boorman, with whom he has a daughter, Rose, 3].


pic of the day

                                Charles posing with journalist Tanzeel Akhta, Wednesday 13 March at the the Great     Point Media

mardi 12 mars 2013

Charles will be in October

at the Fantasy Convention, RingCon 20013 with others members of Got cast

From October 18th to 20th 2013 we will again invite lots of star guests from the different Fantasy-series and movies to Germany, to celebrate in the Maritim Hotel Bonn Middle Earth 