samedi 9 juillet 2016

Charles will be at The Chastity Butterworth Radio Show

Gemma Whelan, star of HBO’s Game Of Thrones and BBC Two’s Upstart Crow, is bringing her comic creation Chastity Butterworth to Radio Four. The socialite, wit and gossip column favourite has finally agreed to become radio’s new queen of chat as the host of The Chastity Butterworth Radio Show.
Chastity and her butler, Roger (Mike Wozniak) cordially invite you to the recording of her new chat show, where you can expect refreshing drinks and equally refreshing conversation with her very special guests Charles Dance OBE, Lady Colin Campbell and Joe Lycett!
WHEN: Monday 18th July (doors open 6.30pm for 7pm performance)

vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Charles at Wimbledon the royal box

"Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) attended Wimbledon Championships At The All England Lawn Tennis Club In #Wimbledon, yesterday in Southwest London! 🙌 {July"
Charles Dance - Game of Thrones' Tywin Lannister to many people - said he had 'every confidence' in Murray, adding: 'I'm gunning for him, of course I am.'
Asked about how the Scot would cope with having the hopes of a nation on him, Dance said: 'What pressure, to have to play with that. It's bad enough playing in this arena at this point, it's tough, and all that pressure as well.'
The 69-year-old revealed he had been hooked on the latest series of Game of Thrones, saying: 'It's fantastic, it's the most sensational television and I was very lucky to be a part of it.'
But Game Of Thrones star Charles Dance was firmly on the side of progression, saying: "Oh, I'm a modernist. Yes, absolutely. Either Murray Mound - or it's in my sitting room, or it's here."                       

mardi 5 juillet 2016

Charles will be at Paris Manga

Friday 4th November 2016


A chaque nouvelle édition, Paris Manga nous impressionne en faisant venir la crème des séries et des films issus des cultures de l'imaginaire. Et le dernier invité en date ne déroge pas à cette règle, puisqu'il s'agit de Charles Dance.
Aujourd'hui connu pour avoir incarné Tywin Lannister dans la série Game of Thrones, le bonhomme a longtemps été l'un des seconds couteaux les plus mythiques de l'histoire du cinéma américain, lui qu'on retrouvait par exemple dans Alien3 ou encore Last Action Hero.
Il sera présent uniquement le vendredi 4 novembre prochain, sachant que le salon s'étendra jusqu'au 6 novembre (inclus), toujours Porte de Versailles, à Paris donc. L'occasion de rencontrer Charles Dance pour des photoshoots, des dédicaces et des conférences !