mercredi 13 novembre 2013

From the Poetry hour

remember :
"It was standing room only at the British Library’s Poetry Hour for an evening devoted to Romantic poets Keats, Shelley and Byron, with readings by Edward Fox, Charles Dance and Tom Burke. Summarising Burke’s career, presenter Francine Stock caused much hilarity when she stumbled over the surname of his co-star in the film Third Star, referring to "Benedict Cumberbitch".
2 pics by attendees
and by Angie from Tom Burke website :

3 commentaires:

  1. Hi,

    I found your site through google whilst looking for info on the 2013 Josephine Hart poetry Hour at the British Library. I'm a fan of Tom Burke and he was at this event I believe with Charles. Can you tell me if there are any other photos of the event(I think Tom is in the top photo with the beard(I say think as it's a bit fuzzy :D ) as I'm struggling to find much about it. Also could I share the photo on my own site if I link back to this one as it's pretty much the only evidence he was there!

    Many thanks again and fabulous site btw :)


    1. I've only have those ones, of course you can use them

  2. Hi Isobel - sent you an email plus some photos ��
