vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Charles about Ali G

You’re not renowned for comedy. How did you get Ali G?
I was asked. When Mike Gambon and I were doing Gosford Park together, I went into make-up one morning and Mike said: ‘I’ve got this Ali G film.’ I said: ‘So have I.’ He replied: ‘I’ll do it if you do.’ We share the same agent so we went in and thought it would be fun for a few weeks. It was nice as – you’re right – I don’t do much comedy. In this business you are what you are deemed to be and if you don’t do much comedy you aren’t asked to do much.
and the director of Space Truckers :
FF: And with Dennis Hopper, Stephen Dorff, Debi Mazar and Charles Dance you had quite a fantastic cast (note to self – I need to see this ASAP).
SG: Yeah, a great cast. Charles Dance was wonderful, we had a great time. He was really funny. All of them liked the script and really wanted to do it. Charles Dance saw me and told me that it was his daughter who had asked him to do the film. She had read the script and said "dad, you’ve really got to do this one". There was one scene I remember – he plays a guy who is a sort of cyborg, he’s half man and half machine – Debbie Mazar pulls all of his equipment apart and he’s lying on the floor with all of these fluids squirting out of him and he looked at me and he said "this is all my daughter’s fault, this is the end of my career".

4 commentaires:

  1. And the Space Truckers role was more bearable ahahaha lawn mower! at least people don't keep shoving it down our throats. I think if you know how to use torrents you can definately find Space Truckers. :)

  2. Tough business acting. I really don't think you have that much input in the roles you're asked to play or how the end product is going to be received by the public or, indeed, if it will ever be distributed. You also have very little control over how your image will be marketed (or abused). It's unfortunate that a number of Chas. D projects have been less than *stellar*. It's also unfortunate that he isn't offered better roles. I suspect this may be because he pissed someone off rather than a lack talent.

    1. True, true I think when you said about pissing someone off Meryl Streep comes to mind I read somewhere how they didn't get along on the set of Plenty also he was suppose to play Robert Redford's part in Out of Africa even Sydney Pollack wanted him for that role but Meryl apparently threatened to pull out of the project if he got cast. I only read this on a website of Charles' fans I don't know the whole truth.

    2. Well, Meryl certainly has the clout, but I don't think of her as the vindictive type. Shirley Maclaine also went on record as finding him "frosty" but has since soften her stance. As for that whole billing as the *English* Robt. Redford and *crumpet* nonsense; there again, how much control do you really have over how your image is marketed. In some of his earlier interviews he gives off the impression of not being all that diplomatic and so, perhaps stepped on a few toes.
