jeudi 12 mars 2015

3 years ago...and Rip Terry Pratchett(1948-2015)
Have you chatted with Terry about the character?
He’s a fascinating guy who has this extraordinary imagination. He created this world which is quite Dickensian and he writes in a Dickensian way. He has rich characters with onomatopoeic names names like Moist Lipwig are amazing and this world he’s created that’s kind of pseudo-Edwardian/Victorian is a weird nowhere place. My god he’s prolific, and it’s terribly sad he’s now afflicted with Alzheimer’s. He’s still up and buzzy. I expected him to be about 6ft 3ins for some strange reason, then this little guy comes in with his black hat, his black shirt and his big beard he’s like one of the characters out of Discworld himself, really. But in terms of chatting about the character, the books are very clear, the script is a really good adaptation, so there aren’t many questions to ask. It’s all there on the page.
It must be nice having an author on set who isn’t interfering in the filmmaking process?
Yes, but most authors don’t interfere. The interfering they do is usually during the adaptation stage if they’re not doing the adaptation themselves, which they rarely do. I did wonder why Terry’s work hasn’t made it to the screen before now, and the big screen especially, and it’s principally to do with him. I believe one of the film studios optioned one of his books and his opinion of the script was it was s**t so it never made it off the page. That’s quite brave of him; he could be making a fortune. God knows how many books he’s written, I’ve lost count now, but prolific is the word.

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