vendredi 20 mars 2015

Tssss !

from an interview with Nikolaj-Coster Waldau
Which death affected the cast and crew the most, in terms of someone leaving the show?
The Red Wedding, when Michelle Fairley, Richard Madden and Oona Chaplin died, was tough because we’d all worked together for years. I was really sad when Tywin Lannister was killed last year because Charles Dance is a great guy and played such a great character.

17 commentaires:

  1. She looks much better in 1st picture, I think she changed her eyebrow a lot

    1. Her 1st picture reminds me of Neve Campbell :D

    2. I don't think so :-) she had a natural beauty, but I am surprised by the 2nd pictures, her face has changed so much esp in the eyes and eyebrows and cheek

  2. Why did you always mark his photos, did you yourself take those pictures with your own camera or did he give them directly to you? #justasking

    1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    3. Do you know even getty images only give a bit mark on their photos, but you even give marks on the whole surface of some photos including his face, I believe you also only "found" it from another source, please answer in english

    4. Just asking, no offense

    5. Great job though, keep it up

  3. theres 16 years' difference between these pictures- of course she's going to look different!

  4. I share Nikolaj's view...everybody else got all emotional over the RW but it was Tywin's death that hit me the most. Damn!

  5. I can’t believe that people actually think Charles was the actor who wrote the letter to not kill him off the show. It’s obvious they’re judging him because of the whole obscure old actor who became famous again and because of the way Tywin died.

    I know it's such a small matter sorry for ranting...

    1. Obsecure old actor? He's a legend and popularity comes and goes.

      Nobody knows about the letter until you mentioned it on here. He already knew he would die since season 2/3 with that way, a fan on the street told him about it, and he knew he must die so that accusation is NONSENSE

    2. Yep I know about him knowing the death scene was coming but a-holes on the internet do make that type of accusations up! Probably thought it was funny eh? When it's a slight to his professionalism as well. The idiots probably never saw a single interview of his!

    3. Yeah, they are only a bunch of idiots
