samedi 13 juin 2015

Charles will be narrator at The International festival music and dance

Charles will narrate the "Egmont" by Beethoven and Goethe : June 19

" John Malkovich , who planned to go to Granada to act as narrator of "Egmont" by Beethoven and Goethe, in the Palace of Charles V on June 19, has canceled his participation in the International Festival of Music and Dance by complications from shooting his new film, wich have altered his schedule, as reported by the organization in a statement.
After the necessary arrangements made, and in order to find a change in the program to keep the expectations of this concert, the Granada Festival has confirmed that the protagonist of "Dangerous Liaisons" is replaced on this occasion by the British Charles Dance, recognized worldwide in recent years by the role played as Tywin Lannister, the relentless patriarch of the very famous series "Game of Thrones."
The change has been possible thanks to the coordination between the Festival of Music and Dance, the director of the Wiener Akademie, Martin Haselböck, and author of the screenplay adaptation of Goethe's work which opens in Granada, Christopher Hampton.
Dance and Malkovich share a solemn and serious countenance, so the British is the best of all possible substitutes for this production, in which the actor tells the work of Goethe with music of Beethoven, releasing the translation of the prestigious screenwriter Christopher Hampton. "
 and in As You Like It, RSC, 1978

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