jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Charles Dance on Commander Denniston: ‘He takes an instant dislike to Turing’

The Imitation Game character profiles
 The Imitation Game - behind-the-scenes making of the film
He basically ran Bletchley Park. But he ran it rather like a boarding school – he treated the cryptographers rather like naughty boys. He didn't really understand what they were doing and I think he was rather intimidated – certainly by Alan Turing's intellectual ability, which was far superior to Denniston's.
When Turing first arrives at Bletchley to be interviewed – even though I can see he's immensely well-qualified, as a mathematician – for some reason, Denniston takes an instant dislike to him. A character like Turing will put a character like Denniston very much on the defensive.
I think he realises immediately that Turing is a much brainier beast than he is, but he has to admit that Turing is a very, very clever man. But he thinks there are others equally clever, not least Hugh Alexander, who he appoints as head of the unit, rather smugly announcing that this man won Britain's national chess championship. It's a kind of pheromone thing as well, this dislike of Alan Turing, and it gives great tension to the piece.

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